🔎 What’s going on?
Last week, the Ocean Cleanup Foundation (OCF) announced the launch of the Interceptor. A scalable solution capable of capturing 50,000 kgs of trash per day from rivers.
👊 That sounds useful, tell me more!
You betcha it’s useful! The scalable solution is 100% powered by solar energy with lithium batteries that allow it to function night and day (even during winter). It’s designed to run by itself, 24 hours 7 days a week. There are four parts to how the interceptor works: 1) a floating barrier channels plastics towards the mouth of the interceptor; 2) the conveyor belt then picks up and moves the plastics (similar to being on an escalator stair); 3) a shuttle then distributes the plastics between six dumpsters; 4) once all the dumpsters are full, the system automatically sends a text message to a local waste operator who comes and empties all the bins.
❓ Cool, but why should I care?
Each year 2.4 million metric tons of plastics enter the ocean from rivers - equivalent to about 40% of ocean debris. This is deadly for hundreds of thousands of marine animals who mistake plastics for food or get injured by getting tangled. Eventually, plastic breaks down into microplastics and enters the human food chain as it’s consumed by the seafood we then eat.
🚦 That’s scary, where do we need to be?
Until people stop polluting rivers and cities are capable of managing their waste properly, clearing trash from the rivers and ocean is our only option. The OCF describe two parts to the solution:
1) Cleaning up legacy - this refers to trash that’s already in the ocean and accumulating in “patches” the middle of the ocean (e.g. the Great Pacific Garbage Patch) and on islands.
2) Closing the tap - this essentially means stopping trash from reaching the ocean in the first place. Turns out 1% of rivers (1000 rivers out of the 100,000 rivers that exist) are responsible for 80% of trash entering the ocean. OCF’s main goal is to cleanup 1000 rivers in 5 years.
👤 What can I do about it?
The golden rule when it comes to plastic is to reduce your consumption - don’t buy it unless you absolutely have to.
If you must buy, then follow the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle plastic as much as possible. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and refill it. Buy a Keepcup and use it every time you visit your favourite coffee shop. Take reusable grocery bags when you go shopping. Avoid plastic straws and cutlery in bars and restaurants by taking your own reusable cutlery set with you. Replace your soap and shampoo bottles with solid shampoo bars. Where you can’t avoid buying plastic, once you are done with it, recycle it at home or take it to your nearest recycling point. If it ends up in your bin - chances are high that your trash is ending up in the ocean!