🔎 What’s going on?
Scientists at the University of Queensland have broken previous record efficiency for converting sunshine into electricity using tiny nanoparticles (the particles are so small, they can’t be seen with the naked eye 👀) called ‘Quantum dot solar cells’ aka. solar flexible skin.
💪What does this mean?
As you may recall, there are two main types of solar technologies: photovoltaic (the rooftop panels which turn sunlight into electricity) and concentrating solar power (or CSP which you can read about here). Combining nanotechnology (the study of working with extremely small things such as individual atoms and molecules) with solar technology, especially photovoltaics (PVs) could increase the efficiency of solar cells.
The previous record efficiency for converting sunshine into electricity using quantum dot solar cells was 13.4%. The university has now increased this to 16.6%. Given that most rooftop panels have between 15% to 23% efficiency - this is significant!
❓Why should I care?
The benefits of quantum dot solar cells are huge. Currently, solar technologies are rigid and expensive. These dots can be printed on flexible sheets and applied to any flat surfaces. This means that they can be used to power devices such as mobile phones, cars, planes, homes and wearable technology. The economics still needs to catch up to existing solar technology for them to be commercially viable but the efficiency breakthrough achieved shows promise.
🚦 Where do we need to be?
At the end of 2018, renewables provided an estimated 26% of global electricity generation. In order to meet the Paris Agreement, global emissions should reach net-zero by 2050. This means clean energy, including renewables, should be 100% powering every countries electricity.
👤What can I do about it?
Until flexible solar skins are implemented into every possible facet of society, rooftop solar panels do a great job of powering your home or office’s electricity.
The Energy Saving Trust provides a great summary on rooftop solar for UK residents. They also provide a free solar energy calculator to check if the financials work for you.